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How can Protein Support Weight Loss?

Whether you have specific body composition goals, health goals, or no goals in particular, your body still needs protein to function. Often there's a stigma around only needing protein if you are a bodybuilder or work out regularly, but this couldn't be further from the truth. Keep reading to find...

6 Ingredients to Support Better Immunity

Tired of catching every cold and flu that rolls around? Constantly feel rundown and lethargic? Feel as though your immune system isn't firing on all cylinders?  While you can't completely avoid contracting colds and the flu, there are ways you can strengthen your immune system to fight them off and...

How much protein should I consume post-exercise?

We’ve all heard of the infamous ‘window of gains’, the ‘window of opportunity’, or the ‘anabolic window’. The so-praised window of post-workout gains, in which you, by all means, need to consume protein to see any muscle growth or training adaptation whatsoever. Is there any truth to this? And how...

Creatine: Six Proven Benefits

If you've heard of Creatine, you undoubtedly recognise it as the product Bodybuilders swear by and the most heavily researched supplement in the world. But have you ever wondered exactly what it is? Moreover, if it's only for the pumped-up swoldiers, the bench-bros, and the professionals? Surprisingly, Creatine is the most extensively...

Zylaria™: The Quality Sleep Solution You've Been Waiting For

Whether you're a busy parent, shift worker, gym junkie, CEO, busy worker always on-the-go… we ALL need a good night's sleep to function optimally. There's no denying how much better you feel overall after a quality sleep, but the benefits go beyond just mood and energy improvements. From better recovery...

How to Naturally Increase Testosterone Levels

Increasing your testosterone can drastically impact strength, energy levels, and muscle mass, not to mention your general health and wellbeing. And as most men know, this male sex hormone is the main contributor to the physical changes you experience during puberty; we're talking hair growth and the deepening of your...

How to Assess Protein Powder Quality

Protein powders can be a perfect addition to your diet, as they're typically both a tasty and convenient source of complete, high-quality protein. If you're finding it hard to hit your protein target or lack time to cook due to a busy schedule, finding a better option is near impossible....

5 Steps to Weight Loss

There are a lot of fad diets, debate, and opinions when it comes to weight loss. The truth is that there is no one size fits all approach to it. Weight loss and diet are highly individual and it all comes down to what approach is sustainable for you. Some...

To Fast or Not to Fast: Should You Eat Before A Morning Workout?

If you've done your research, you will know that there is a LOT of conflicting information online about whether to hit your morning training sessions in a fasted state or not. And the correct answer is: there is no right answer. Considering body composition goals, health goals, and personal preference,...

Explained: Your Optimal Daily Protein Intake

As an essential macronutrient for the human body, you'd be surprised how many of us are not consuming enough protein recommended to maintain good health and strong bodies. For your body to function optimally, it needs adequate protein to repair and build new cells, grow and strengthen muscle tissue and...

Protein Powder 101: Which one's right for my goals?

Whether you're plant-based, carnivore, or keto, your body needs adequate protein to function optimally. Did you know every cell in your body contains protein? The body needs protein daily to repair, recover, regenerate cells, grow, and function effectively. Without it, we could face some serious health setbacks like muscle wastage,...

5 Ways Stress Can Impact Your Training Results

What happens when you're too stressed even to set foot in the gym? What happens to your progress when stress levels are getting in the way of quality rest and recovery?

The Holy Grail of Guilt-Free Desserts

Struggling to curb your sweet tooth? #PROTREATyoself Having trouble meeting your daily protein intake? #PROTREATyoself Unable to put down the tub of Halo Top? #PROTREATyoself Want to repair and replenish your muscles overnight? #PROTREATyoself   The holy grail of protein-rich desserts has arrived, and guess what? It won’t even put a dent in...

What's the Deal with Real Meal?

Do you struggle to find enough hours in the day to prepare healthy meals? Do you work in a job that doesn’t allow enough time to eat wholesome foods?  Are you unsure of what you should be eating for optimal health and functionality? Do you find it difficult to understand...